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Writer's pictureAndye Murphy

How to Open Your Akashic Records with the Akashic Records Opening and Closing Prayer

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

You might be wondering how to open your Akashic Records. Of course you are! You're curious to know what's inside and what gems of wisdom can be gained. 

I'll share the Akashic Records Opening and Closing Prayer, how to get you into your Akashic Records like a pro, and offer some gold star tips to get the most of your explorations.

How to Open Your Akashic Records with the Akashic Records Opening and Closing Prayer

First off, access to your Akashic Records is your birthright. It takes no special skills nor any special training. However, a little intuition and knowing the correct sacred access points to enter the Akashic Records is all you really need!

Opening your Akashic Records for yourself wasn't always an option. You, my precious love, are being of such high consciousness, it's easy for you! This wasn't the case for older generations. As consciousness has evolved, so too has your ability to access the subtle fields of reality. 

Navigating the etheric planes and gaining wisdom from the unseen takes a bit of practice, but …

“When you ask a question with an open heart, you will be answered.”

-Miguel Angel Maya Priest & Master Teacher

The Akashic Records Exist Outside of Time & Space

Opening your Akashic Records is not like opening a book. You don't simply read lines on a page and extract the information within. Sure, Edgar Cayce was able to read it like a book, but I have met very few people who experience it quite that literally. 

The Records are stored etherically and vibrationally beyond the visible world. They exist on planes outside of what you can explore with your senses. 

Yeah love! Outside of time and space! This is where you’ll get to expand your psychic superpowers and lean into your intuition. 

The Akashic is an ancient technology. So a little teaching of the Egyptian Mysteries is helpful.

Sound and vibration are the instruments of creation. Your breath, that invisible element of the divine within, is one of your most precious tools. When combined with sound, you put something into being that did not exist before. Creation, baby!

Put simply…

  • Aka is the invisible threads that rise from the void

  • Sa is the god seed, the most divine droplet of you, from the cosmos

The AkaSa then is the divine droplet of you as it rises from the void and takes on matter.

Your Akashic Record is the dossier, the history of events that occurred to this Sa while in form.

Your Name Opens The Akashic Records 

You open your records with the sound of your name. Your name when spoken aloud is of itself a sacred incantation.

All of the ancients knew that by naming something, you gave it power. 

Your name is powerful, it is the first vibration of you. 

This imprint of sound into matter —your name— is how you are found in the Akashic Records.

This name is given to you with love, by those who love you the most, your parents. Your name, sweet one, is the first sound of love that you heard and imprinted upon you your initial experiences in a body. 

When opening the Akashic Records, your full birth name is best. If you have changed names, that's certainly a complication within Your Records but not impossible.

I suggest opening your birth name to access all of the original events within your Akashic Record. This is especially helpful when doing inner child work or healing any of the wounds that occurred in your youth.

In the event of name changes and marriages, add the new name intertwined with the birth name.

  • Married Example : Jennifer Marie Harris (Rodriguez)

  • New Name Example : Jonathan (Bodhi) Daniel Williams

Name Changes in the Akashic Records

As your Record is stored through the first vibration of you, your name at birth, any time you change your name the Records should be updated. But I can promise you, darlin’, this is very rarely if ever done! 

If you have changed your name, here’s an easy solution. 

When you're beginning to work within your Record, ask one of the Keepers of the Akashic Records  (we’ll get to that in a bit!) to help you amend the name and transfer any records from the old over into the new one name. 

If you're considering a name change, do it consciously! I suggest going into your Akashic Records to notice how this new name feels… does it resonate as divine within your body? In the Records, you’ll experience more impactfully than in your everyday waking state. 

Pro tip : If you are changing your name to distance yourself or disconnect from your past, make sure that you have thoroughly addressed, cleansed, and evolved any issues that were there. 

If you're changing a name because of a spiritual path, ensure that it's one that aligns with you…. not simply one given to you by a guru. Choose a name that really ignites the Sa, the highest soul, of you. Opt for a name that invokes the best of you and sets the tone for who you choose to be in this world!

Akashic Records Opening and Closing Prayer

In every teaching, the Akashic Records are accessed through a prayer. This prayer will invoke your guides, angels, and the Keepers of the Akashic Records.

A note sweet reader, I'm a little challenged by this Akashic Records prayer. As it has no known origin, no known lineage.

We know that Madame Blavatsky referred to the Akashic and used it in her channeling. Edgar Cayce also made famous Akashic Records in his voluminous readings. 

But the prayer… No clue where it came from. I’ll happily share mine with you below. 

An Invocation to the Keepers of the Akashic Records

When invoking the Keepers of the Akashic Records, it’s kinna helpful to know who the heck it is that you're invoking.

The Egyptian Mysteries share that the Akashic technology was created by Sheshat and Thoth. They are 2 neters (or gods) of the Egyptians pantheon.

  • Sheshat, the feminine principle. She who holds the Akashic Records. Her name translates as that of the mystery. She is an embodiment of Ma’at (divine truth) in form.

  • Thoth, the masculine principle and scribe. It is he who oversees, at death, the scales of Ma’at which determines where a soul will go after this life.

Just as you get to know other types of Spirit Guides, get to know Sheshat and Thoth! Find them in the Halls of the Akashic Records and invest in the relationship by meeting with them and asking questions. They’ll more than happily illuminate new information as you explore the Records. 

I do sincerely invest in my relationships with Spirit Guides, it's how we build trust. Would you ask a stranger for a favor or is it easier to ask that of someone you know and trust?

I visit with them as I would any friend and gain not only insight and love but a true intimacy that fosters a deep connection beyond the Akashic Records. 

If you’re new to this type of relationship with Spirit Guides, I wrote a whole book just for you! Take a peek at the Journey Journal to gain your own first hand experiences and build a team of rockin’ support and guidance in the spirit world.

Spirit Guides Journey Journal by Andye Murphy

Akashic Records Opening Prayer

Ok, so there’s no known lineage to the prayer but here’s what vibes with me. 

I was first initiated into the Records in 2002. My teacher, Lillian Irene Lovas, passed her prayer down through her teacher's teacher. 

A prayer is : using your voice, your breath and sound, 

as a sacred tool, to direct your attention.

Find a prayer that truly aligns with you! Use your discernment when accepting anything an authority tells you, and find what it is that brings you into a sacred space of being. 

I’ve amended this over the years as it aligns with me, but notice how it feels for you!

Akashic Records Prayer to Open

Step 1 : Open Your Akashic Records

It’s go time baby! You can jump on in or create this as a sacred ceremony by setting the space for you to be able to move into a meditative state. Be receptive and let go of expectations cause your own magick is precious and unique. 

  • Set an intention for what you would like to explore

  • Choose the version of your name you will use

  • Open the Records by saying the prayer aloud (remember sound and breath are your instruments of magickal power)

Step 2 : Exploring you Akashic Records

Exploring your Akashic Records may feel like meditating or slightly shifting into an altered state.

Pro Tip : Please babe, no need to add anything to this state of being. Pass on the plant medicines and alcohol. Being in the Akashic Records is already a ceremony in and of itself! 

Allow yourself the time to relax into and immerse in the Akashic Field. There’s no rush and you can certainly revisit any darn time you desire. 

Intuition is Helpful

Opening your Records is certainly not hard, but accessing all that's in there requires a bit of intuitive finesse. While no special skills are needed, knowing how to gain information is helpful.

When entering your Records, pay attention to sights, sounds, smells or any intuitive feelings you get. 

A strong intention will help you ensure you were given access to what you seek. It anchors you with some purpose so you’re not roaming around aimlessly. You might see glimpses of foreign places, different clothing, or you might enter a literal library.

As a non-visual psychic, I find it best to engage in questions. To ask for clarifying details that help me navigate the unseen spaces.

Questions that help you orient and navigate might be: 

  • “Where am I?”

  • “Why am I here?”

  • “What have I been brought here to learn that will help me now?”

  • “Is there something that needs to be fixed/tended here that will benefit me in my current life?”

  • “Is there anyone here I know in my current life?”

The Akashic Field is a living and responsive field of truth. It is of the now. Therefore, anything you gain from here will benefit you in your present reality. While you can certainly access past lives here, they will be the lives or events that are most beneficial to help you evolve the most now.

Step 3 : Akashic Records Closing Prayer

Being in your Akashic Record is indeed time spent in the sacred. You will likely be changed by your experiences and left in a state of gratitude and awe. 

As with any ceremony, the Records should be closed each time you are complete. This protects you from leaving anything open that others may unintentionally bump into. Honor your Akashic Field, honor your Record, and guard with discernment what was offered. 

The Akashic Records closing prayer is simple and sweet. It is one of reverence for what you received. 

Akashic Records Prayer to Open

I get that "Amen" can be a bit tricky for some. I tried "Amun Ra" for a long time... tapping into the Egypytian. However, in my conversation with Dr. Carmen Boulter, she said this was a tainted lineage so I stopped using it.

Ong Sa is now my go to for closing. It's one of the main heakaus (magick words or mantras) of the Egyptian Mystery lineage I work in. It's magick for me but may mean nothing to you. Find what works for you!

Whatever you choose, just make sure to Close the Akashic Records when you're done.

My teacher Lillian stressed the importance of closing your Akashic Records. It was said that Saint Germain never closed his Records and simply ceased to be. Whether this is accurate or not, it's a great legend and set into place clean and clear protocols for me closing the Records every time.

Step 4 : Integration After Your Akashic Records Sessions

Integration is the secret sauce in all ceremony. To take what was given in the divine realms and allow it to change you in your waking reality. 

Imagine a seed just planted. When you give away the seed, you’ll never know the full fruit that may have been. 

Protect that seed, lover! It is your magick coming online and I bet you wanna know all that you are capable of, not just a fraction of it. 

A few tips: 


  • Don’t share too quickly! You may be so blown away that you have to tell someone. Don’t. It dilutes your power and spoils the fullness of the gifts offered.

  • Don’t share with those who don’t respect the Spiritual. I always wanted to share my experiences with my mom. But bless her, she would analyze and dismiss every detail. It would contaminate my joy and cause me to question. I learned over the years it’s best not to share with those who don’t honor what occurs in the spiritual spaces. 

  • Don’t share identifying details. In any shamanic path, the exact details are your power, don’t give it away. Protect and cherish what you received so the medicine is all yours.

Integration takes time. Allow the gifts to be fully realized and well tended within yourself. Journal, meditate, revisit the Akashic to extract every morsel of magick that awaits you. 

And I know, patience can be challenging. But I promise, as you cultivate and honor your power, it will grow! 

Going Deeper in Your Akashic Records

In your Akashic Records you’ll discover new worlds that will enhance your everyday life. The world may shine a little differently as you engage with the living spirit in all life. You’ll continue to reap more with each visit to your Records. 

Here are some suggestions to dive even deeper. 

Meet an Akashic Records Spirit Guide

Being of the Mystery, I love my own lived experiences, not the teachings told to me by others. I want to feel in my body and cells what I’m experiencing to be true. So….

When I started in the Akashic Records I asked for a guide who could familiarize me with this unknown terrain. 

Spirit Guides are masters of their realm! And they really love helping you. 

Upon entering your Records, ask for a guide to come forward who is willing to assist you. 

Pro Tip : A best practice with all Spirit Guides is to ask three times if this is the guide in highest alignment with you. When you get an affirmative three times, get on in there love! 

This Akashic Records Spirit Guide can point you in the right direction and bring you the place where your answers lie. If you feel confused or uncertain, call upon this Akashic Records Spirit Guide to help clarify. 

Akashic Records Exist Beyond the Mental Plane

Nothing in the Akashic Records may make sense. Cool! You are in planes beyond the mental, so logic cannot be your anchorpoint. Intuition and Logic are on opposite ends of the spectrum. 

If it makes sense, it may be an illusion, a narrative your mind weaves to make you feel at ease.

If it feels, it resonates in your body and makes no damn sense, you can trust this more.

Rather than relying on your brain, notice instead how things feel. 

Do you get chills? It could be a cellular affirmation that what you’re seeing is true for you.

Do you feel uneasy? This could indicate you have some cleaning up to do. If it affects you in an uncomfortable way, it is likely still in your Akashic Field. Do your own Shadow Work or seek some support to clean this up

We are greatly impacted by what’s in our Akashic Records. The Egyptian Mystery School insists :

We must evolve (to bring from the shadows) what’s in our Record to become enlightened.

See that … en-lighted -- to take from the Shadows and bring back to love. Boom!

This is your work, THE work. Don’t sweat it if you find stuff that needs some cleaning up. I actually get pretty excited when I find the gnarly stuff. Once it comes into my awareness, I have the gift of healing it. The more I heal, the more enlightened and radiant I become. Pssst, this also makes you a spiritual badass, to bring back to love all the challenges you’ve encountered in myriad incarnations. 

How to Read the Aka

Bonus Egyptian Mystery Teaching - How to Read the Aka

While we’re deep in the Akashic Records, I’m sharing not only how to read your Records but how to work in your Akashic Records. To bring what you gain from the Records into practical everyday valuable life skills. It’s how I roll!

The Egyptian Mystery Schools taught the Aka-Sa as the 5th element. 

It is an etheric substance, anti-gravity, an element beyond the void. When you’re working beyond the void, it can be pretty tricky to bring information back into the material plane. Therefore having a way to translate what you experience back into this world is darn helpful. 

Everything in creation is made of Aka. 

The Aka is sticky, the pre-formative strands that create reality. 

All healing occurs within the Akasa, which must be cleared to evolve. It’s one reason why working in your Records is such a valuable tool in your spiritual evolution. 

Reading the Aka, you are accessing the fields under the physical. This will give you a way to navigate and orient yourself when your senses cannot guide you. 

Reading the Aka Exercise: 

  • Rub the fingertips of your thumb and forefinger together

  • Ask an obvious yes question (ex: my name is _____ or I am ___ years old)

  • A yes is sticky, like the tread on your fingerprint puffs out, or your fingers may get clammy

  • Ask an obvious no question (ex: I live on the Moon or I am 1,000 years old)

  • A no is slick, smooth, or cold

  • Practice simply a few times to allow your body, mind, and energy fields to trust this feedback

  • Thank the Aka each time so you create a field of agreement you can rely upon

The “stick” tells you are working in the Akashic, in the web of reality. 

A “slick” response is outside of reality and untrue or irrelevant to you now. 

Go ahead and try it! 

Practice Reading the Aka

I have turned to reading the Aka in all manner of navigation. Much like muscle testing, this is a response from within your own energy field that can guide you. 

If you're at a restaurant and having trouble deciding what you want, ask the Aka to tell you. When you're stuck in traffic (without a handy app) ask which route you should take. If you’re lost, ask the Aka to point the way forward. 

Use this as you begin to rely and trust it more to help you in all decisions. And for goodness sake. Don't ask it for everything, rely on yourself, on your own, knowing, rather than moving into the places of self doubt that always needs confirmation.

Anytime you are working in the invisible realms, you are working in a shamanic landscape with symbolic language. While your Records may direct you quite literally, they could also be symbolic… lucky you! 

Developing Trust in the Akashic Records

In your Akashic Records, you are working outside of the ordinary world. Shamanic traditions call this the non-ordinary world. In these spaces, you cannot rely on your senses. Your “feel senses,” or intuition, must guide you. 

Imagine your intuition like a muscle that must be built. Be gentle on yourself and celebrate even the smallest of victories. 

Did you feel something? Rad! 

Did you gain information that brought you peace? Heck yeah!

When you’re working outside of what you can directly perceive, you’re in a shamanic landscape. Sometimes messages are metaphoric rather than literal. You’re creating a new foundation, exploring a new terrain. You will begin to trust it as you watch things from the Akashic Records permeate your waking reality. 

I was once working with the plant spirit of vervain. The messages were so vague, I was frustrated. I rode my bike home in a state of agitation. The plant began laughing at me. “I help you when you’re frustrated.” Well, duh!

Another time I was doing an Akashic Records reading for a man. I kept seeing a woolly mammoth. I didn’t dare ask about it directly and instead inquired what an elephant meant to him. 

“Well, I’m not sure” he replied. “I do have a woolly mammoth skeleton in my living room from when I was an explorer in the Arctic.” This has hence become my classic story of never doubting what I am shown. 

It’s not mine to edit or filter through my lens of perception. 

When you are given direct information, go ahead and research it. Don’t research it to validate yourself per say, but to give you stronger footing in the unseen worlds. Don’t overthink it! Instead trust what you feel and let it be another brick laid in your new world. 

Your Psychic Gifts Will Expand in the Akashic Records

There are so many benefits of exploring your Akashic Records. Activating and deepening your psychic gifts is one of my favorites. 

We all have very different psychic senses. I can’t “see” for shit. That’s clairvoyance.

But I can feel (clairsentience) my way through most things. I often feel like an angler fish trying to make sense of things in the dark… but only by bumping into them.

Your gifts may be in smelling (clairalience), hearing (clairaudience), or just knowing (claircognizance) without knowing where the heck it came from. 

Once while working in a client’s past life during the Black Plague, I could smell the death all around her. That day, I wish I didn’t!

You’ll find that one "clair" is usually stronger than the other. But beloved, you can develop all of them over time! As you gain more experiences, you will trust what you receive more and more. 

A Blessing on Your Journey

Opening your Akashic Records is just one tool in your cool magical toolbox!

I am so excited for you to explore all the worlds and lives available to you in your Akashic Records. In my 20+ years in the Records, they have changed my life immeasurably. 

I’ve seen lifetimes and landscapes I’d never dreamed possible. And I’ve had my share of hard truths that require me to adjust my perception of reality.

The Akashic Records are always of truth and are intended to bring you into your highest possible embodiment. The encounters you have there will indeed continually refine what you call reality. Don’t look away or dismiss what you are gifted but instead allow it to inspire your spiritual mastery. 

Safe travels out there, love!

Activate An Akashic Mystery School

If a super deep dive into the Akashic Records is what your heart craves, I have a 3 month Egyptian Mystery School online that you can access anytime. I'd love to share it with you!

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