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Akashic Awareness | A Path to Enlightenment

Writer's picture: Andye MurphyAndye Murphy

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

I started this piece calling it the Benefits of Opening your Akashic Records. But dang, as I began to write, it revealed to me so much more. Such is the way of the Mystery, what you see as a doorway expands beyond time and space and opens into new worlds. 

Opening your Akashic Records truly is a path to enlightenment.  

Akashic Awareness | A Path to Enlightenment | Andye Murphy

Enlightenment is a spiritual process of becoming more light, more divine. Its definition is:

 to be freed from ignorance and misinformation

Hot damn y’all! 

I’m elated to show you how indeed your Akashic Awareness can free you from ignorance (or being asleep and unconscious in this reality) and free from misinformation (‘cause it's all around you!) Walking in the Mysteries, you move as an Awakening being, knowing yourself as Creator—not merely a doer— in this perceived reality. 


At its core, the Akashic Records ignite a spiritual and energetic alignment to Truth, to the purest essence of your soul, your Sa. Any energy invested in the Akashic will aid in your enlightenment. It’s no magick pill, but instead reminds you of your power to choose in any given moment exactly what you want to experience of reality.

What is Akashic Awareness?

Through the Akashic you experience a new state of being. You become more aware and conscious, let’s call this Akashic Awareness. 

The Akashic aligns you with what is divine and true. When you invest your energy in this frequency, you are naturally more attuned to a loving universe and aware of your participation in it. 

In this Akashic Awareness, you will experience the impossible! Your beliefs will be challenged, your awareness will expand, and you will turn on full blast your psychic gifts

You move beyond a consensus reality (that which is agreed upon or told to you) and shift into a reality of untold abundance, beauty, and wonder. You are not going anywhere in time or space, instead your perceptions expand and the divine in all begins to engage with you.

You are initiated into true cosmic reality —one of divine, loving, and living consciousness. You will feel profoundly different and may even be challenged by what you encounter. 

Let it change you! It will feel so good you’ll question who you were before. And please, don’t take my word for it— I’m here to illuminate and activate you. The Akashic was designed for you to engage with it and experience it for yourself. 

And, baby, there are plenty of ways to reach this enlightened state : meditation, vision quests, shamanic journeying, and plant medicines. Heck, even traveling can move you out of your habitual state and into an expanded state of awareness. 

But, the AkaSa is the sacred and true access point left for you by the ancients. The Akashic is a path for you to gain for yourself what is (im)possible. It was designed for you to know the sacred. The Akashic Records are your birthright as a divine being to be supported in your Awakening!

Sure, it requires a little investment, a willingness to try, and then the blessings begin to flow. 

The Akashic Records are Informational

Let’s establish this fundamental… The Akashic Records are informational. They give the the account of what occurs to a soul while in-form.

Let’s break this word down. 

In-Form-ation. Or that which occurs while you are in form, i.e. in matter, in a body. 

Many people may use the Akashic Records to glimpse past lives and understand the dynamics of relationships. But wise souls can use the Akashic Records as a potent tool for personal evolution and spiritual mastery. 

Your Akashic Records are helpful for viewing reality through a clear and pristine lens. Sure past lives are in there, but as this is an etheric accounting system, you can see actions and events from this current life, too. 

You can open your Akashic Records to see what really happened, free of ego and emotionally charged distortions. You can see with detachment how events played out. You may discover it isn’t quite as you remember. And lover, in this field of truth you will see what is and … it may not always be what you expected or thought. 

Through this Akashic Awareness you can see your missteps, where you acted out of pain or unconsciously, where you behaved as less than love. If you thought you were wronged, you may gain insight that shows you a finer truth where you need to take accountability for your part. Because that is indeed yours to evolve.

And shit balls, this can be rough. But it is precisely the gift of the Akashic Records to help you become enlightened! To see where you can be and do better. To explore where you were out of alignment with Truth so you don’t repeat it again. 

Put simply, your Akashic Records will tell you what needs to be mastered in the human experience to bring you back into the divine, true, and infinite. Everything is here to bring you back into a loving cosmic consciousness. 

Your Akashic Record will reveal to you where the pain points and blind spots lie… You can choose to do better (on a path of enlightenment) or to repeat in unconscious (self-destructive) patterns. 

One of the core tenets of The Egyptian Mystery Schools is that you take on a body in order to alchemize everything back to the divine. The hardest parts of your human experience are the most potent of your magick— it is the gold waiting to be harvested. Your ability to evolve, to alchemize the shit, to love it back into wholeness, is the sweetness of this whole human journey. 

The Akashic is a Technology

Fundamental 2 : The Akashic is a technology, an applied science of what is in-form. 

To apply the Akashic is to use it! To participate in and co-create with the Field of magick under this perceived reality. 

Open your Records! Explore your Akashic Field! These are not difficult skills to do but it does require your attuned devotion and your desire to participate in a new way of being. 

Akashic is a science of the Mystery and thereby highly experiential. The Mystery means it cannot be seen or read, it has to be felt! There are no texts and few teachings. 

You apply the Akashic technology by walking in the Mystery, opening your Akashic Records, and engaging in a living discourse with the divine.

There is nothing to do or learn (and I promise you won’t mess anything up!). The Akashic Technology only encourages you to engage with it. To know it as love so that you become more enlightened. The Akashic is the architecture of our reality. Accessing your Akashic Records was designed as a pathway for you to find your way back to the divine. 

When you choose to open your Akashic Records regularly, more and more is revealed to you. 

Opening your Akashic Records can become in this way a devotional sacred practice. A space of engaging intimately with the divine. The more you participate in the Akashic Awareness, the more activated your Akashic Field becomes.

Akashic Field Healing | Andye Murphy
Book your Akashic Field Healing

An Activated Akashic Field Brings Enlightenment

In the Akashic Records you gain knowledge. But, what ya really want is wisdom!

Wisdom is knowledge that has been digested, purified, and integrated.

Wisdom is embodied knowing. It is gained through cellular, lived experiences that bring you into a heightened state of knowing (or “gnowing” for gnosis is to know from within it just through a mental understanding). 

When you let this new awareness integrate, you are forever changed. You attune to a higher frequency that feels quite magikal, expansive and different than the world you imagined yourself to live in. 

This embodied wisdom is stored in your Akashic Field. According to the Egyptian Mystery Teachings, these Akashic Fields are a field of magick under your perceived reality.

The activation of your Akashic Field is a beautiful and natural by-product of the investment you make in Opening Your Akashic Records. 

No overt actions nor exertion of effort are needed. You’ll find it far easier than you knew to inhabit this Akashic Awareness, lover because it will feel so so good!

Truth Expands in the Akashic Awareness

You’ve likely sensed that nothing of this material world is as it seems. Oh wise one, thank you!

When you question, you activate your most potent power of discernment.

The Akashic Records will illuminate Absolute Truth, that which is beyond your beliefs and programming. In this Akashic Awareness, you are able to see behind the illusions of a fixed reality. You are, as the Egyptians Mysteries say, accessing a field of magick under this reality. You anchor to this Truth by aligning with it.

Absolute Truth with a capital T, y’all! It is this field of Truth that is uncontaminated, pristine, and pure. A field in which no illusions can exist. ‘Cause gas lighting yourself is simply too energetically expensive.

In the Absolute, you discover the divine intelligence is one of love, a compassionate and responsive consciousness who is designed to c0-create with you. Love, beauty, is woven in every fiber of this reality. 

In the Akashic Records, you will be shown Truth over and over. How you respond to this truth is all yours at your own darn pace. 

A Word of Caution : Enlightenment is Destructive

Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. 


Truth will often surprise you. It will challenge your beliefs and destroy your perception of reality. This is a natural process of evolution and one that will be incurred by every Awakening being. And it’s rough at times.

In the quaking, there is the gem. Your reactions, your responses, your resistance to this Truth will reveal your programming. These programs are put in place unconsciously and accepted as simply the way things are. Guess what?!? They get to be evolved as well. Honey, this world is astronomically more weird, wild, and profound than you have been led to believe!

Plato’s cave analogy is appropriate here. To imagine the world as the shadows projected on the wallrather than going into the world to experience it in its full bounty. 

The cave is safe, protected… and stiflingly limited. 

Reality is co-creative. You can participate with ease in this co-creation only once you have cleared the limitations and reclaimed your divine sovereignty. When you know yourself as the divine precious one that you are, the universe will be ever so ready to play with you. 

Truth is a gift! Incorporating this Truth is shadow work, to take from the habitual and accepted lens of reality and filter it through your enlightened consciousness. When you can anchor in all is of love and for love, you can stomach the destruction with a bit more ease. 

As you gain more awareness, you have the gift of bringing all beliefs, all accepted truth, through this new divine filter of you. 

No Love and Light Here

Sure, we live in a loving and conscious cosmos. But this isn’t about love and light. 

Nope! On this path of enlightenment you will encounter it all. The heaviest burdens are here to evolve you, yes… but not every being is on a trajectory to evolve. 

Each being has their own perfect purpose. Sometimes we need the dark to illuminate the expanse of the light. Hold no judgements but don’t let the pervasive love allow you to be naive in a hunky dory reality. 

Weird and wild! I’ve seen it all and been humbled many times over. You may choose love and reap the rewards of doing so, but don’t be fooled that all intentions are good. 

Sometimes we need the narcissists and the villains to show us how to set some damn boundaries and learn how to self-love. 

Nothing will save you but the liberation of your own consciousness. When you know love is ingrained in all, you will recognize you’ve never been alone. The dark parts of this reality are much like video games, the challenges are built in to help you embody more light and move on to th next level. 

Light is a choice and it is the only way to gain enlightenment. By facing and claiming the shadows you do indeed gain more super powers. 

When Your World is Rocked By Truth

Your reactions are those unevolved bits that bring you into expanded awareness. Reactions are subconscious. Responses are evolved. Neutrality, or being the divine witness, is the response of the most enlightened. 

Notice your reactions (and resistances to Truth) while in your Akashic Records

  • What challenges you?

  • What triggers you?

  • How does it confront what you believe (or want) to be true?

  • Why does it feel so scary to accept this as true?

When you find these glitches, love them. If enlightenment was easy, everyone would embrace it readily. To live in a world of illuminated truth is a path of only the most devoted and divine. Psssst, that’s you!

A Personal Story of the Illumination of Truth

In the Akashic Records, you will be shown Truth. It will shake your foundations as it did when I was asked years ago about what actually transpired on September 11th. 

Closing out an Akashic Records Reading, my client asked me if I could see what truly happened on that fateful day. 

I opened the Akashic Records of the event itself… What I saw changed my experience of reality.

I didn’t want to see, didn’t want to accept, what I was shown. It frightened me to consider the implications if this was true. The safe world I imagined to be living in began to crumble. 

For days after the reading, my brain struggled to comprehend. Yet my heart surprisingly was peaceful. My sacral (where the Akashic Records live in the body) resounded with stillness. 

I knew the Truth, could feel it at my core, yet it confronted my understanding of reality. I was shown Absolute Truth and had to choose to accept or reject it. 

Darlin’, there was only one option. I accept what I am shown because it resounded as true within me. My perceptions, filters, and beliefs likewise were invited to expand and open to a far bigger world than I had known before. 

Fear and resistance to Truth is pretty built-in conditioning. You could question everything and want to hide under a rock (and you should… just don’t stay there for long!) On your path toward enlightenment, it will be the darkest revelations that bring the most light. 

I “woke up” that day, as you likely have many times as well. I was new and invited to perceive the world around me in new ways. 

I’m certainly the better for it. As an Awakening being (not Awakened yet, love, cause we are all still in process), I have been confronted with many tiny deaths of what I imagined to be true. 

Truth is freedom and will indeed set you free but only as much as you allow yourself to be freed. 

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Online Egyptian Mystery School

Akashic Awareness is a Path to Enlightenment

The Mystery Schools were preserved as a path to gain enlightenment. In the absence of a Mystery School, we have lost the sacred pathways to reach the divine. 

Religion acts as an intermediary between you and the divine. Science amputates the divine. We live in a world where Gold is God. It is a lonely and challenging quest to find our way to enlightenment while staying present in this reality.

In the Akashic you access the Infinite, the magick under reality. 

You are invited to tap into your infinite potential and live in the joyous fulfillment of your soul. 

You don’t have to believe this, through your Akashic Records you will be shown over and over. The Akashic is the architecture of reality and it was always the end game to bring you home to the divine within. 

Pro Tip : You must engage in presence and humility while remaining curious. Allow your mind to stay open and your heart to be pure. 

Please babe, no need to question it all (that will come in its own timing). 

As An Enlightened Being You’ll Attract Blessings

Oohhh, super cool Egyptian Mystery School Teaching!

As you clear your Akashic Field, finding what’s in your Record and evolving it back to love, your frequency will change! You’ll attract blessings to you. According to the Mysteries:

You’ll be Seen as Divine by the Divine.

You become unstuck in a fixed reality, for you know the true essence of your soul and the true nature of a loving, cosmic consciousness. 

As you radiate as divine, you attract more easeful, blissful blessings from the universe. The loving cosmos recognizes itself in you and more readily brings in what is meant for you.

You are recognized as the Divine for you have devoted your energy to your personal evolution. And I know you know, this is no easy task. 

What Blesses Me Blesses the All

At this higher frequency, you’ll affect others. They may be attracted to your peace, your calm presence, your radiance, and they’ll naturally be drawn to it.

This is the way of not manifesting but aligning with the divine within. 

I call this a passive activation, for really you have to do nothing to affect others. It is simply a law of resonance. 

You’re not attracting it. You have to be it and radiate it. And then it comes. It is drawn to you and you to it.

- Michael Beckwith

What is enlightened in you, in your Akashic Field, may also be activated in another. This takes nothing from you. On the contrary, you vibrate higher and bless all those who encounter you. 

Your radiance sparks an evolution of love by you tending nothing but you!

What blesses Me Blesses the All is a prayer we often use in our Egyptian Mystery School, the Halls of Akasa. It's a way of aligning with the blessings and allowing yourself to live as a walking prayer for others. As you work within the Akashic Field, you move from personal healing to collective healing. It is the Enlightenment of all beings that will truly spark the Akashic Evolution.


Loving you fiercely through the dimensions of transformation since 2008.

© 2025 by Andye Murphy

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